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Chinese translation for "polyoma virus"


Related Translations:
polyoma:  多瘤簿
hamster polyoma virus:  地鼠多瘤簿,潜伏地鼠簿
polyoma virus transformation:  多瘤簿转化
human polyoma virus:  人多瘤簿
Example Sentences:
1.Laboratory animal - method for examination of polyoma virus
2.They found signs in one patient of a virus with limited similarity to polyoma viruses
3.Other previously identified polyoma viruses are widespread in the general population , where they typically produce no symptoms
4.The genetic material of the new virus is arranged in a similar fashion , encoded in circular , double - stranded dna , and the virus ' s five proteins have similarities to the proteins of other polyoma viruses
新病毒的遗传物质排列方式与多瘤病毒类似,编码为环状的双链dna ,新病毒的五个蛋白质与其他多瘤病毒有相似之处。
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